Classroom Policy

Classroom Policy

Atkins 124 and 125: Classroom Use Policy

Faculty members may schedule their research instruction sessions with a subject librarian. Atkins 124 and Atkins 125 are instructional spaces intended for this purpose. All other uses of the library classrooms are subject to the following Classroom Usage Policy:

Atkins Rooms 124 and 125 are intended for the dual purpose of library instruction and student lab space. When library instruction classes are not being taught, students are free to use the computers by logging in with NinerNet credentials.

Instruction schedules will be posted weekly, and students are expected to exit the classroom in advance of published teaching times, or when asked by a librarian preparing to teach in the space. When using the classrooms for study space, students may not use the AV equipment in the rooms (i.e. instructor podium, projector) and should follow our patron conduct policy.

Exceptions to this policy require the approval of Library Administration and the Instruction & Curriculum Engagement Coordinator and are listed below:

  • During library events (staff workshops, conferences, etc.) organized by Library Administration.
  • During university events organized by the Offices of the Chancellor and the Provost, ITS, SOAR, and Summer Camps.
  • When classes are in session, non-library events may only be reserved in the classroom spaces one week or less in advance.

For classes meeting in the library for purposes other than research instruction with a librarian (lab use, work time), the same policy applies, and rooms may only be scheduled if they are available one week or less in advance.

To request a classroom, please submit the Library Classroom Request Form.

For more information, please contact Catherine Tingelstad (